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Friday, November 22, 2013

From same sex marriage to legalisation, adoption of


 adulatory, abortion, and abomination of same-sex marriage have strong linkage and connectivity to evil and satanic manifestations – all are instruments of destruction, distortion, and destabilisation that are packaged, powered, projected, and promoted by the gates of hell.
I expect the next line of destructive social agenda is the strange affair of husband, wife, and lover living under the same roof.
The case of Maria Butzki who managed to enslave two men, Paul, her husband, and Peter, her boyfriend, into one roof thereby legalising adultery, which is designed as an acceptable lifestyle model targeted at our women and very vulnerable girls.
I took an interest in the story, which appeared in the Guardian newspaper publication of November 16, 2013. My interest is in three reasons:
Firstly, all the characters in this comedy of shame and reproach bear very strategic Christian names with apostate and prophetic manifestation – Maria, Paul, and Peter.
It suggests and imposes that they are Christians, and such adulterous lifestyle and union is acceptable and accommodating in the Christian fold. Maria, Paul, and Peter are not Christians, and do not represent Christianity; no true Christian faith or institution can accept or accommodate such aberration.
Secondly, this is a transition, transmutation, and transformation from same-sex marriage brand that did not fly in Africa, to legalisation, acceptance, and promotion of this adulterous union that is designed and accepted by the West to destroy our excellent marital values in view of huge failures and record of marital disasters and divorce.
Thirdly, it’s an organised subtle orientation and marketing of evil, to abuse our sensitivity, which is a continuation of promotion of evil that started from the promotion of abortion, encouragement of divorce, and same-sex marriage, that are packaged as human right.
In addition, the exposure of the breast and the sagging of trousers/jeans to expose the buttocks as touted by the West as being fashionable, are being embraced by our children and youths of little and poor values.
Both the act of advertising breasts and buttocks are evidence and manifestation of decay and demented thinking as such human parts cannot be part of fashion accessories.
Again, this publicised adulterous union is coming at the time and period of the Commonwealth meeting in Sri Lanka. I’m surprized that Prime Minister David Cameron of the United Kingdom did not promote this aberration to African countries, with a threat of withholding /withdrawing aids, as he did in the last Commonwealth conference in Australia concerning gay relationships.
Maria Butzki agenda is a well scripted and structured design from the pit of hell, coming from the West as a choice lifestyle human rights profile, but with design of force and voice of revenge, disobedience, and disloyalty targeted at our women, wives, and families.
Adultery wounds and damages marriages; though it happens, but condemnable, parties should make amends and ask for forgiveness from all wounded souls and the Creator of all souls; it should not be legitimised.
In Nigeria, the strange culture of senseless killing, child and gang rape, incest, and kidnapping is emerging with very strange and traumatic consequences, yet to be determined in the realm and regime of the spirit. The damage of the huge bloodletting in the streets of Nigeria  through tribal/ethnic war, religious conflict, senseless Boko Haram war, raping of old women is too dangerous for us to be at ease.
Returning back and referencing Maria Butzki, her evil agenda and consoling words are captured in this quote: “People might think it’s weird, but I love both men, and couldn’t choose between them – therefore when I left Paul, there was a huge hole in my life, but the thought of never seeing Peter again was heart-breaking; so living with both men is the only way.
“The three of us never share the same bed. Although, I have a sexual relationship with each man, that side is kept very private. If Paul is out, then Peter and I might make love, and vice versa. But both men turn a blind eye, and we never discuss it with one another.”
Maria’s husband, Paul, has this say: “Maria was and still is my soul mate. The families are now in the process of buying a large house to accommodate them all”. Peter, the boyfriend of Maria, has this to say: “By now Paul and I have developed a huge respect for each other. We don’t see one another as rivals for Maria’s affections. At the same time, I’ve come to care so much for the children. It seems natural to live together.”
The story is a model of tolerance, understanding, and endurance in evil. I hope that Peter will not proceed from care of the children to the “care of their emotion”. I worry for the children, and hope that another family of Moabites is not generated. But for us, Nigeria and Africa, we should be alert, awake, and aware
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